54 research outputs found

    Crisi de la Raó i Imatge del pensament a Gilles Deleuze

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    Continuité et virtualité chez Deleuze

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    Le fil qui joint la virtualité chez Bergson et chez Deleuze ne doit pas occulter le problème essentiel qui apparaît alors : le lien foncier entre la virtualité et la notion de continuité. Aussitôt, cette continuité se présente comme continuité de la pensée qui « fait bloc ». Et, pour l’historien de la philosophie, ce problème nous ramène, de façon d’abord étrange, au lien entre la métaphysique, à condition de la penser comme immanente, et la continuité virtuelle. Ce qui veut dire, un pas plus loin, que l’une des plus lointaines pensées de la Philosophie, à savoir l'aphoristique héraclitéenne, s'invite dans le débat contemporain sur la possibilité d’une métaphysique immanente, autrement dit, qui « laisse couler les flux » et les mène jusqu’au plus haut point dont ils sont capables

    Crisi de la Raó i Imatge del pensament a Gilles Deleuze

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    [cat]Davant d’una Raó que recull i expressa pel seu compte els drets d’allò que sotmet el pensament, el pensament només reconquereix els seus drets desplaçant els components de la sèrie racional fins a trobar aquest límit —per a ella, impensable— on fulgura un sense-imatge o no-pensat (l’Afora) que neutralitza la negativitat essencial, la voluntat de control i marcatge; en una paraula, el règim de signes paranoic, propi de la raó-poder. Lliure de tota Imatge (transcendència), el pensament ve –sota el guiatge de Deleuze– a situar-se del costat d’allò esquizo-inventiu, de la metamorfosi: recobra el sentit de la superfície (pla d’immanència) per no tractar més que amb multiplicitats (Idees) la afirmació de les quals implica una redefinició (intensiva) del concepte, així com la relegació, a un segon pla, de la qüestió de la veritat. L’element del pensament és d’ara endavant el sentit, de la producció del qual la creació problematitzant és l’acte constituent; i l’experimentació, la condició real. No hi ha doncs crítica radical –és a dir, lluita contra l’estupidesa– que no consisteixi en sentir d’una altra manera: una altra sensibilitat, per afectes i perceptes. Empirisme transcendental i elevació de les facultats a la més alta potència: heus aquí, al capdavall, el racionalisme superior de Deleuze que, a tall d’un gran corrent d’aire fresc, ens permet respirar de nou la filosofia.[eng]In the face of Reason, which gathers and expresses on its own account the rights that subjugate the thought, thought only recovers its rights by shifting the components of rationality until reaching the edge – irrational for Reason – where a non-image or a non-thought sparkle (the Outside) which neutralise essential negativity, the will to control and mark; in one word, the regime of paranoiac signs characteristic of the power of reason. Free from any Image (transcendence), thought is situated – according to Deleuze – close to inventive-schizophrenia, or metamorphosis: it recovers the sense of the surface (immanence level) to consider only multiplicities (Ideas) which affirmation supposes an (intensive) redefinition of the concept, and relegates questions about truth to a second level. The element of thought is, from now on, the sense from which the ‘problematising’ creation of the constitutive act is produced; and the experimentation, the real condition. There is no radical critique –that is to say, fight against stupidity– which does not consist of feeling in a different manner: another sensitivity to different effects and perceptions. Transcendental empiricism and elevation of the faculties to the greatest power: this is, in definitive, Deleuze’s superior rationalism which, like a powerful, breath of fresh air, allows us to breathe philosophy again

    Duality Theorems in Ergodic Transport

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    We analyze several problems of Optimal Transport Theory in the setting of Ergodic Theory. In a certain class of problems we consider questions in Ergodic Transport which are generalizations of the ones in Ergodic Optimization. Another class of problems is the following: suppose σ\sigma is the shift acting on Bernoulli space X={0,1}NX=\{0,1\}^\mathbb{N}, and, consider a fixed continuous cost function c:X×XRc:X \times X\to \mathbb{R}. Denote by Π\Pi the set of all Borel probabilities π\pi on X×XX\times X, such that, both its xx and yy marginal are σ\sigma-invariant probabilities. We are interested in the optimal plan π\pi which minimizes cdπ\int c d \pi among the probabilities on Π\Pi. We show, among other things, the analogous Kantorovich Duality Theorem. We also analyze uniqueness of the optimal plan under generic assumptions on cc. We investigate the existence of a dual pair of Lipschitz functions which realizes the present dual Kantorovich problem under the assumption that the cost is Lipschitz continuous. For continuous costs cc the corresponding results in the Classical Transport Theory and in Ergodic Transport Theory can be, eventually, different. We also consider the problem of approximating the optimal plan π\pi by convex combinations of plans such that the support projects in periodic orbits

    Measuring agricultural biodiversity for sustainable food systems

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    Today, global food production is the largest driver of environmental degradation and biodiversity loss (Willett et al. 2019). Rising global food demand and limited arable land are pushing us to expand agricultural frontiers and production. This often happens without regard to the environment, causing biodiversity loss, land and water degradation (Bioversity International 2017) Climate change is accelerating biodiversity loss. Higher temperatures disrupt pollination and natural pest control, affecting food quality (Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN 2017).Equally, the need to feed an additional 2 billion people by 2050 is pushing us to increase yields in a few staple foods, which erodes food and genetic diversity. Biodiversity loss in food systems leaves farmers with fewer options to deal with risks of crop failure, declining soil fertility, or increasingly variable weather (Bioversity International 2017), causing production losses, food insecurity and malnutrition(FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP WHO 2018).The way we produce and consume our food is hurting both people and the planet. This calls upon all of us, from governments to producers to consumers, to put biodiversity back into food (World Economic Forum (WEF) 2017).Food and - more broadly - agricultural biodiversity are essential for sustainable food systems. Agrobiodiversity boosts productivity and nutrition quality, increases soil and water quality, and reduces the need for synthetic fertilizers. It makes farmers’ livelihoods more resilient, reducing yield losses due to climate change and pest damage. Broadening the types of cultivated plants also benefits the environment, increasing the abundance of pollinators and beneficial soil organisms, and reducing the risk of pest epidemics.To sustainably use and conserve agrobiodiversity, governments need dedicated, multi-sectoral and evidence-based policies and strategies. From smallholder farmers to multinational companies, food producers are becoming increasingly important in conserving genetic resources and adopting sustainable agricultural practices. Consumers need to become more aware of the impact of their food choices on the planet and their role in preserving the environment.What actions do we need to put in place to make change happen? To answer, we need to be able to measure biodiversity in food systems. While decades of effort have advanced our understanding of sustainable food systems, biodiversity data remain uneven and oftentimes information is analyzed from sectoral perspectives (i.e.: production, consumption or conservation). To transform food systems, we need to look at the broader picture and understand the systemic linkages between biodiversity, food security and nutrition, agricultural production, and the environment.Bioversity International has developed the Agrobiodiversity Index, an innovative tool that brings together existing data on diets and markets, production and genetic resources, analyzing them under the lens of agricultural biodiversity (Bioversity International 2018). Through open access to agricultural biodiversity data for science and society, the tool crosses disciplinary boundaries and allows users to monitor biodiversity trends in food systems. In particular, it helps food systems actors to measure agrobiodiversity in a selected area or value chain, and understand to what extent their commitments and actions are contributing to its sustainable use and conservation.This user-friendly tool equips food systems actors with the data needed to make informed decisions. For example, it helps governments to formulate evidence-based agricultural, health and food policies and strategies to address today’s global challenges, by providing information on how biological and geographical diversity influence food systems sustainability. Through the Index, companies can understand how to diversify their supply chain and production to reduce risks, and what are the best agricultural practices for their agro-ecological zone. The tool can thereby support best practices dissemination, and track progress towards global goals related to agrobiodiversity, including Sustainable Development Goals 3, 12, 13, 15 and Aichi targets 7

    Gilles Deleuze et le devenir comme ligne de vie

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    Villani Arnaud. Gilles Deleuze et le devenir comme ligne de vie. In: Chimères. Revue des schizoanalyses, N°30, printemps 1997. Devenir imperceptible. pp. 43-53

    Sur L'inspiration poétique dans l'aire culturelle moderne et contemporaine

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    BRETON A., L'amour fou, Paris, Gallimard, 1976, 1998. COWPER POWYS J., L'art du bonheur, trad. Masek, L'Âge d'homme, 1984. DELEUZE G., Empirisme et subjectivité, Paris, P.U.F., 1953. DELEUZE G., Francis Bacon. Logique de la sensation, éd. de la différence, coll. « La vue, le texte », réed. 1996, t. 1. DELEUZE G., Dialogues avec Claire Parnet, Paris, Flammarion, 1977. DETIEN M. et VERNANT J.-P., Les ruses de l'intelligence. La mêtis des Grecs, Paris, Flammarion, 1974. EHRENZW..

    Sur L'inspiration poétique dans l'aire culturelle moderne et contemporaine

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    BRETON A., L'amour fou, Paris, Gallimard, 1976, 1998. COWPER POWYS J., L'art du bonheur, trad. Masek, L'Âge d'homme, 1984. DELEUZE G., Empirisme et subjectivité, Paris, P.U.F., 1953. DELEUZE G., Francis Bacon. Logique de la sensation, éd. de la différence, coll. « La vue, le texte », réed. 1996, t. 1. DELEUZE G., Dialogues avec Claire Parnet, Paris, Flammarion, 1977. DETIEN M. et VERNANT J.-P., Les ruses de l'intelligence. La mêtis des Grecs, Paris, Flammarion, 1974. EHRENZW..